iPortal is a Key Activity 2 (Languages) project funded by the EU under the Lifelong Learning programme.

This three year project brings together partners from Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Spain, UK and Turkey to develop an ‘iPortal’ – an Integrated Platform with Online Resources for Teaching of All Languages.

The project aims to:

– Improve the quality and access to independent language learning tools by combining existing e-learning tools with a new Open Source Second Life learning environment.

The objectives are to:

– Construct a new learning environment framework

– Incorporate established language learning resources and methodologies including 3D simulation, video, audio, m-learning and social networking

– Improve access to learning resources in English, German, Spanish, Polish, Bulgarian and Turkish

– Develop a Second Life facility to enable learners to meet and communicate on-line

– Create an on-line network of language centres and freelance teachers